Well it is official. I am out on my own. I go to Utah Valley University and live in an apartment quite far from my family. Well it is actually only twenty three minutes away (if I go the speed limit...) and I see them once or twice a week. It is a pretty sweet set up.
I miss my sister a lot though. She and I were finally starting to get close so it is un-opertune time to move out, just in that sense.
I saw the movie Julie& Julia. I liked it a lot. I liked that it wasn't a love story, it was a story of self exploration. I feel like that is a grand adventure, just finding yourself through doing something you love. I need to charge my camera and do it. I love taking pictures and editing them to make them a different dimension of reality.
I wish that Photography would be a good career choice for me, but I just don't think it would work out too well.
So radiologist or radiology tech for me. I just need something more stable. I can just get my camera and have it to document my amazing life. I didn't take that many pictures over the summer but I had a great time. I made some new friends and became even closer to old friends. Like Megan. She and I have known each other for over ten years! That is so weird! We have always been friends. The past two summers have made us so close, it is great. I love that girl. We had a few pool parties, many sleepovers, early mornings, lagoon trips, and pudding fights. Oh my so much fun!
I am so happy that the weather has been cooling down. I love being able to wear a sweater and actually shiver. Time for some hot chocolate and a nice warm blanket. Oh it is so exciting.
Season changes are always my favorite times of the year. I know that winter is my least favorite because it seems to drag on forever! I like spring and summer but I love the fall. It is so lovely. I can't wait until the leaves start changing and the mountains start looking like fire. I also love the season changes because they lead to a knew desire of music genre. I feel like each season has it's genre or band. I wonder what this fall will be. Winter is always Anberlin. The other seasons change. This summer was Parachute, the spring was Cary Brothers and I really have no idea what it will be next. I am stoked to find it!