Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Just an Update
Well it is official. I am out on my own. I go to Utah Valley University and live in an apartment quite far from my family. Well it is actually only twenty three minutes away (if I go the speed limit...) and I see them once or twice a week. It is a pretty sweet set up.
I miss my sister a lot though. She and I were finally starting to get close so it is un-opertune time to move out, just in that sense.
I saw the movie Julie& Julia. I liked it a lot. I liked that it wasn't a love story, it was a story of self exploration. I feel like that is a grand adventure, just finding yourself through doing something you love. I need to charge my camera and do it. I love taking pictures and editing them to make them a different dimension of reality.
I wish that Photography would be a good career choice for me, but I just don't think it would work out too well.
So radiologist or radiology tech for me. I just need something more stable. I can just get my camera and have it to document my amazing life. I didn't take that many pictures over the summer but I had a great time. I made some new friends and became even closer to old friends. Like Megan. She and I have known each other for over ten years! That is so weird! We have always been friends. The past two summers have made us so close, it is great. I love that girl. We had a few pool parties, many sleepovers, early mornings, lagoon trips, and pudding fights. Oh my so much fun!
I am so happy that the weather has been cooling down. I love being able to wear a sweater and actually shiver. Time for some hot chocolate and a nice warm blanket. Oh it is so exciting.
Season changes are always my favorite times of the year. I know that winter is my least favorite because it seems to drag on forever! I like spring and summer but I love the fall. It is so lovely. I can't wait until the leaves start changing and the mountains start looking like fire. I also love the season changes because they lead to a knew desire of music genre. I feel like each season has it's genre or band. I wonder what this fall will be. Winter is always Anberlin. The other seasons change. This summer was Parachute, the spring was Cary Brothers and I really have no idea what it will be next. I am stoked to find it!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
It is raining.
It is raining outside my window and I love it. It is calming, and I need that. I have a lot of my dad's personality and so I get anxious easily. I've been making new friends and that causes anxiety for some reason. Makes no sense I know.
I really am missing my friends Caldon and Tj. I hear from both of them once a week which is so fantastic.
Tj was my best friend so having him gone is kind of hard. I was so used to talking to him everyday,that going to once a week is killing me. And Caldon was and still is one of the most inspiring people I have had the pleasure of meeting. It is selfish but I want them both to come home for just a few days so I can be with them and my life won't be boring.
Oh wait my life isn't boring I have started making some new friends. We do all sorts of exciting things that are so random I can't even tell you. I'm glad to finally have friends that have the same standerds and ideals as I.
I am working two jobs this summer. I love it. I am still working at Geckos and I am a lifeguard again this summer in Daybreak. So this combonation of jobs mean I will be so tan I look Legit working in a mexican restaraunt! ha (I'm so funny!)
I have a feeling this summer will be great.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
life life life
My life is Brilliant. I have some great friends! Three of which are leaving on missions. Quinn M. is leaving March 11th for the West Indies! TJ Oviatt is leaving May 1st for England. And Caldon Adams is leaving May 27th for Anahiem California. wow. Great boys!
<- This photo here is one that I submitted to my school's Litterary Magazine. I think that is really cool. Photography is great.
I think that I know what I am going to do with my life. I am going to UVU in the fall and hopefully I will do Guard up there. I want to major in Deaf Education and become a teacher at a school for the deaf or an interpretor for someone. Either would really be amazing. I realized this is what I want to do when I was with my friend Ben Alleman the other day. His sister Megan loves to sign and when you sign with someone as special as Megan or my wonderful friend Shaye, you remember why you love it so much. Well that is what happened to me at least. I think that I can help people if I study ASL some more. I want to minor in Photography because it is also something I love and it is so fun to change and manipulate a photograph, it is almost like changing your reality. wow... that was very profound (GO ME!)
My seminary teacher gave me a challenge the other day, and I have been doing it and it really is amazing how life changing two days of doing this can be. I want to do it for the rest of my life.