My life is Brilliant. I have some great friends! Three of which are leaving on missions. Quinn M. is leaving March 11th for the West Indies! TJ Oviatt is leaving May 1st for England. And Caldon Adams is leaving May 27th for Anahiem California. wow. Great boys!
<- This photo here is one that I submitted to my school's Litterary Magazine. I think that is really cool. Photography is great.
I think that I know what I am going to do with my life. I am going to UVU in the fall and hopefully I will do Guard up there. I want to major in Deaf Education and become a teacher at a school for the deaf or an interpretor for someone. Either would really be amazing. I realized this is what I want to do when I was with my friend Ben Alleman the other day. His sister Megan loves to sign and when you sign with someone as special as Megan or my wonderful friend Shaye, you remember why you love it so much. Well that is what happened to me at least. I think that I can help people if I study ASL some more. I want to minor in Photography because it is also something I love and it is so fun to change and manipulate a photograph, it is almost like changing your reality. wow... that was very profound (GO ME!)
My seminary teacher gave me a challenge the other day, and I have been doing it and it really is amazing how life changing two days of doing this can be. I want to do it for the rest of my life.