Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It is raining.

I went to Boston last week and it was the best trip I have ever taken. Something about that city fit my personality so well, now I'm craving it. Weird right? My mom and I went to a bunch of historical sites from the 1600's and it was magical. I loved every second of it.
It is raining outside my window and I love it. It is calming, and I need that. I have a lot of my dad's personality and so I get anxious easily. I've been making new friends and that causes anxiety for some reason. Makes no sense I know.
I really am missing my friends Caldon and Tj. I hear from both of them once a week which is so fantastic.
Tj was my best friend so having him gone is kind of hard. I was so used to talking to him everyday,that going to once a week is killing me. And Caldon was and still is one of the most inspiring people I have had the pleasure of meeting. It is selfish but I want them both to come home for just a few days so I can be with them and my life won't be boring.
Oh wait my life isn't boring I have started making some new friends. We do all sorts of exciting things that are so random I can't even tell you. I'm glad to finally have friends that have the same standerds and ideals as I.
I am working two jobs this summer. I love it. I am still working at Geckos and I am a lifeguard again this summer in Daybreak. So this combonation of jobs mean I will be so tan I look Legit working in a mexican restaraunt! ha (I'm so funny!)
I have a feeling this summer will be great.